Monday, November 23, 2009

What I'm thankful for

Dear Friend,
Thanksgiving is coming up, and I just wanted to tell you what I'm thankful for. I am thankful for my friends, family, and god. I'm thankful for my friends because, without them I don't know what I would do. I'm thankful for family because, well it's my family and I love them. I'm thankful for god because, he has givin me everything in life. I might not get what I want all the time but, god makes sure I have what I need to survive. And this is what I'm thankful for.

Your friend,
Jessi Alexandria

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

If someone were to kill someone I think they should be put to a death penalty because they took a life away from not just one but many. That person may think it was an achievement but it really isn't. They took a loved oned away from many many indeviduals. People who kill deserve to have a death penalty for many reasons. One, is that that person did wrong and they deserve to pay for it. Two, that person probbably would have done it again if they are not put to death sentanceing, and much more reasonings than you think. Therefore I think death sentencieng is the appropriate punishment for someone who kills..

~ Jessi

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

So..... there's this person who reminds me of a sunny spring day and thats my best friend Aleena K. Bullock. The reason shes my "sunny spring day' is because, when i need her she is always there for me. If I need someone there to talk to she's always there. They say a true friend isn't one that will bail you out of jail, but will go there with you...
I belive Aleena would do anything for me anyday and I would do anything in the world for her. I hope we stay together for ever, because when it's cold and rainy outside and she's with me all I see in the sky is a beautiful sunny spring day.

~ Jessi Alexandria
